Well Lived

It may be that we have one life to live, one chance, just one go at it. It would seems to me, foolish to squander such a gift. Now, what to do with this? How do I know that I am making the most of it? This life is to experience life and I may ask, “Am I?”

It may be a challenge, it may, or not, be exquisite, or perfect, but there are those times that pop up and one just knows that a life is being well lived.

We’ve been in Bears Ears National Monument for the past month. Nearly all of that time without internet, or phone service. Now, we’re back. Much to follow.

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One thought on “Well Lived

  1. Brannen

    I am looking forward to reading about yours and DF’s adventures in Bear Ears as my wife and I hope to do the same also and hopefully with some “Barefoot all over” time as well.


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