Monsoon Dawn into Sunrise


Night into Day

I like to feel the dawn. The nakedness most certainly adds to the wonder. Senses are alive. It perks up my consciousness. The animals are all responding, birds singing, night life is going to rest. Most species respond to each other sexually at this time, awakened by the sun. I can experience the energy of the associated sensations myself, as a fellow animal.

Then, there is the morning sunlight, its warmth, its relaxing effects. I sometimes feel like a lizard warming myself on a rock, getting the sleeping blood to lighten up.

During the monsoon, the morning display of the sunrise clouds can strike spiritual awe. There are the beams of light, the angle of it casting longer shadows, making everything that much more distinctive.

Rain Far to the East

This morning, there is a blessed cool breeze circulating around the fresh green growth and my body. It will be 110 later today, breaking another record. This is a pleasant respite.

Monsoon sunrise, wondrous sunrise, hews of gold, silhouettes of saguaros and purple mountains. I see turquoise thunderheads over the Catalinas.

I wonder, am I ever closer to earth and my nature in the universe, than as these nude times?

This body feels loved by a universe, welcomed this morning, as another piece of nature. A part of what is wondrous. The unique smells of the monsoon, its plants, flowerings, the earth soaked with moister and cleansed, every miracle, I am a part of these, too. I am this, simply because I was born to perceive it fully.

Out at White Sands Missile Range, a day’s drive east, someone has pushed a button and set off a rocket. I see the glowing trail from where I stand. The sun enriches its display. I watch, as it floats apart, growing into a long golden cloud itself. For all of man’s world, its war, its technology, the interplay of seemingly important activities, there is irrelevance. None of it truly matters in a moment during a monsoon sunrise. All of it is diminished by a thunderhead over a mountain range, the sound of sweet life, and the smell of a desert exploding with bounty after rain.

This is all best savored without an agenda. That is only within this moment, not preoccupied with a list of chores and concerns, just awareness and sense of gratitude, being here, now. The rest can wait…maybe until after going back to bed for a while…in peace….

Effects of a Setting Sun in an Eastern Sky


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3 thoughts on “Monsoon Dawn into Sunrise

  1. Love the cloud photography! LA doesn’t get much of a monsoon anymore. I think our drought killed it.


  2. Reblogged this on Naturalian's Blog and commented:
    I love the dawn too, best part of the day, especially when you are totally naked,at one with nature!


  3. Absolutely the very best part of the day, skin fully immersed in nature!


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